Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Day 3- Dovetail For Music Alternate 

  • What is Wellness Wednesday? 

    Wellness Wednesdays give us an opportunity to reflect on and focus on our health and well-being. This is a practice that is happening at schools, workplaces and communities all over.

    We are excited to continue it again this year at ARHS! 

    Each Wednesday in the announcements, we will highlight an activity, a skill, a resource focused on bringing awareness to building healthy habits and focusing on our physical, & emotional wellness. We hope these are meaningful for you!

    We are also working on adding a monthly lunch time outdoor wellness practice like yoga, dancing, art, etc. Stay tuned!

    We also welcome ANYONE (teachers, staff, students, entire classes, clubs, etc!) to reach out to share ideas and tips, too.

    Email: Ms. Peters OR

    Ms. Caruso --

    This week's Wellness Tip: Building Self Awareness & Curiosity during transitions

    Big transitions like starting school sometimes come with unexpected emotions. This week you might have felt happy, nervous, sad, angry, excited, or you might have felt no emotion at all. You may have felt all of these different emotions in one day. These are all normal reactions to a big transition like starting school. Some people may be enjoying this time, and others may really be struggling. Each person responds differently. We don’t all feel the same and are not experiencing the same things. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to feel. It is valid to feel whatever you’re feeling. 

    Take some time to notice how you are transitioning back. Resist the urge to do something about it right away or the urge to compare yourself to how friends are managing. Practice noticing it. As you go through the week, give yourself time and space to build your reflections and self awareness. This will help prepare you to set goals, build routines, and navigate the changes. 
  • An announcement regarding schedule changes: Counselors will be taking course change requests until September 3rd. Students can fill out the form connected to their counselor to request a change. PLEASE NOTE: Many electives are full at this time. We ask that students be flexible in exploring new topics that may not be their area of interest, and understand that the desired changes may not be able to be made.   
  • The ARHS Theater Company produces 5-6 shows each year from immersive theater to the school musical, with nearly 150 different students from across the school involved in one or more of those productions.  We're a friendly and welcoming community - and love new folks.  Whether you're interested in acting, building, sound, costuming, lighting and more - or just want to meet a load of friendly new people - you should come to our Fall meeting this Thursday at 4:00 in the auditorium to learn what we'll be up to this fall - and how you can be involved.  See Mr. Bechtold in the auditorium with any questions you've got.