Thursday, December 23, 2021
- Still don't have a winter coat? Guidance has many coats in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes available for those in need. Stop by anytime between 7:45am and 3:45pm!
- The ARPS Weather Line number is 413-362-1898, call to be informed of any type of Delay or Snow Day.
- Junior Life After ARHS - Miss Cuffee-Gray is coming your way to start talking Life After ARHS. Juniors in English class will have a brief introduction to the Life After ARHS process here. If you are a junior who doesn't have English this semester, you will receive an invitation to a PLUS Block session after winter break. All JUNIORS WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL AND VIDEO WITH LIFE AFTER ARHS INFORMATION BEFORE THE WINTER BREAK.
- College Application Work During Winter Break -Hello Seniors the Guidance Office will be shut tight during winter break. Help us help you! Please be proactive and use the help and support from the folks in the Guidance Office while we are in school.