Wednesday, December 8, 2021
- Its Wellness Wednesday!This week's tip: Navigating ConflictConflict is a fact of life. It can exist in our relationships with teachers, friends, family and even ourselves. Pretending it doesnt exist doesn't make it go away, and often contributes to making us feel worse.Conflict can be used to create positive change and strengthen relationship bonds if it’s managed properly.Why can it be so hard to address? Well, some ideas include that most of us don't want to be rejected & we want to feel heard and may not know how to engage in some healthy conflict resolution. What do you think? What's it like for you?Here are some things to consider as you tackle conflict in relationships:-Speak for yourself (Use I statements): Focus on yourself vs the other.. saying "I felt hurt vs You are so rude" can be received very differently.-Fight fair: stick to the facts & dont exaggerate or bring others (or social media) into it-Pay attention to your nonverbals/body language: are they communicating a different message than your words?-Prioritize the relationship not winning: the conflict exists likely because you feel hurt or unheard. Remember how important the relationship is and focus on that instead of being right. It frees up alot of yucky energy.-Consider the other person's perspective: If this is a relationship you value, thinking about how they may feel can help us build empathy and be more committed to listening and learning how to work through the situation-Ask for help: You are not alone! Reach out to a trusted adult here at school or a friend (for example) for help talking through a plan or to role play what you want to say.
- The 2022 ARHS Winter Musical is the Tony-Award winning best musical, Hair! We'd love you to join us for this energetic and upbeat show as the perfect way to pass the winter. We especially love people with no experience that want to try something new. Go to the musical info website here for details: - or see Mr. Fruth or Mr. Bechtold.
If you do not have a winter coat and are in need of one, please visit the guidance office! We have a variety of coats available for those in need in a range of sizes and styles. The office is open from 7:45am to 3:45pm. Come by any time!.
Following a spectacular run of Life Sucks last week, the Theater Company invites you to attend Briefs - our annual evening of contemporary 10-minute plays, directed and performed by ARHS students. From serious to comedic, ordinary to bizarre, we're sure to have something for everyone. Tickets are sold at the door; $5 for ARHS students and staff. Free/reduced lunch tickets available by request to Mr. Bechtold in the auditorium.for $2. See you there! Briefs goes up this Thursday-Saturday, starting at 7:30pm each night. See you there!
- Yearbook news for Seniors:1. Reminder that senior photos are due on January 31st! Email them to Miss Garrity at Want a photo taken by yearbook staff instead of hiring an outside photographer? Email Miss Garrity to sign up for a time slot!2. Please fill out this survey to let us know what you want included in the yearbook!
com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSfeOXFQuPj7xyCH9XQvoiNX yR7NVSy4W1xCDyYb95M1XLiFog/ viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Hello ARHS Students! The ARHS Environmental Action club is organizing a reusable week!
During the week of December 13th-17th YOU, yes, you, will earn entries into a raffle for gift cards to local businesses like Antonio’s, for participating each and every day!!
Monday: Reusable water bottles.
Tuesday: Reusable masks.
Wednesday: Reusable lunch materials or utensils
Thursday: Thrifted/Reused clothes
Friday: Reusable School Supplies (Scrap paper, old pencils etc.)
Show your school spirit by helping the Environment and participating in reusable week. At the end of the week we will announce the winners of the raffle so get involved each day for a better chance to win.
- Final Day to Sign Up for MCAC - (use this form)16 Colleges and Universities here for ARHS students!Complete your application and meet with an admissions counselor from that college (2year and 4 year colleges here!)You must attend the PLUS Block , or communicate with Ms. Cuffee-Gray today
- Junior year students interested in a tuition-free summer journalism institute at Princeton University should look for details on how to apply here:
The MIT Museum Teen Programming Council, which plans STEM-based events for local high school students. On December 11, 2021, from 2-4pm, we are hosting a Teen Science Cafe on Climate Change at the Cambridge Public Library (Main Branch). This will be an interactive event where guest speakers from MIT, Professors Janelle Knox-Hayes and Brent Minchew, talk about their work in climate change and sustainability, engaging teens in thoughtful discussion!
We are hoping that you would be willing to share this event with your students and teachers. The future of our planet and the influence of our actions on our globe and are especially important for our future leaders to recognize. Attached are a flyer and registration link.
Website: https://mitmuseum. caf%C3%A9-climate-thin-ice Eventbrite: https://www. cafe-climate-on-thin-ice- tickets-211767992767