Thursday, January 20th, 2022

Thursday, January 20th, 2022

  • First Day of Semester 2



    9:05-9:20 (15 mins)

    For student schedule review


    9:25-10:40 (75 mins)


    10:45-12:00 (75 mins)



    1st Lunch



    2nd Lunch



    All Students in Class



    3rd Lunch


    2:00-3:15 (75 mins)


    3:15-3:35 (20 mins)


  • Seniors- that have not provided their measurements and payment for their Cap and Gown ($19) please do so as soon as possible to Ms.Rodriguez in the main office. Payment can be made in the form of cash or check/money order. Checks can be made out to ARHS.
  • Sophomores and Juniors - NOT SCHOOL SPONSORED Interested in doing something interesting, educational, and/or rewarding this summer? How about AFFORDABLE?!!! This event, especially geared towards high school underclassmen and their families, will feature College Greenlight's top tips for finding and applying to summer pre-college programs, as well as presentations by three top colleges about their pre-college program offerings for summer 2022. This event is a follow up to the publication of our annual list of free/generous summer programs.

    ---all are invited

    Here are the event details:

    -          Wednesday, January 26, 2022 | 4 PM Central

    -          Registration Link:

  • Seniors -  FINANCIAL AID & FAFSA. It is your responsibility to track the financial aid deadlines for your schools. Check on the Admissions and Financial Aid Page of each of the schools you are applying to. The Financial Aid deadlines are strict, don't miss them. Generally, you have to complete the FAFSA (you need a FSA ID) and, for some, CSS Profile. Note the emails sent to both you and your guardians from Ms. Cuffee-Gray for links to workshops and webinars on how to complete the FAFSA. 
  • Have you trained in dance at ARHS or beyond and are looking for a way to dance in school more? Look no further! Come dance in this year’s musical, Hair, a rock show about hippies in the 1960s who lived in the moment as they sought to change the world. It will be one big communal party after two years away from the stage. And - we want as many featured dancers as possible! There will be a first meeting and session for featured dancers on Tuesday, January 25th from 4:00-5:00 pm. Bring clothes and footwear that you can dance in. We’ll do a short warm up, some choreography work, and possibly some improvisation at the end. Tell your other dancer friends! Any questions? Find or email Bech at or Kathryn Carvel at