Tuesday, January 11th, 2022
- If you are a Junior or Senior and are signed up to take a course this Spring at Amherst College you need to provide evidence of a COVID-19 Booster shot this week. Here is the note from them: "ARHS students submit their documentation to Amherst College at healthservice@amherst.edu. They can call the health center at 542-2267 if any questions arise or if they'd like to submit their proof of vaccination by another means". It must be submitted no later than 4pm Friday 1/14!
- This Friday, January 14th, come to the outside of the cafeteria right after school for a bake sale! Your contribution helps us to support Smart Solar Shutesbury, an organization helping to stop deforestation. Bring money!
- Are you into performing or writing poetry? If you want to join a safe space to collaborate with others and are interested in sharing your own stories and learning about your classmates' stories, you should definitely join Poetry Slam! A reminder that we are meeting this Thursday, January 13, at 3:40 pm in room 164 (Ms. Kuhn’s room). For more information, or any questions, email Victor Cruz at cruz-castrovf@arps.org or Adriana Lyra-Brazao at lyra-brazaoal@arps.org.
- Did you know that ARHS Dance Theater Ensemble is livestreaming our dance performance on Zoom?This Friday 1/14 at 7pm, we present FORMATION: The Life Cycle Of A Community.Tune in for free to watch ARHS students perform the dances they’ve created.Link: tinyurl.com/Formation22