Friday, November 19, 2021
If any of you are interested in Signing up for Pooled Testing, please have a conversation with your family and follow the instructions on this link. Pooled testing helps to keep us all safer.
- The first priority for the + Block is for students and teachers in the block that meets that day to work together. Students who need to work with a different teacher should have a pass from that teacher before the + Block starts. Teachers should not be introducing any new material during the + Block. Students are expected to stay in their + Block classroom for the whole period unless they are being dismissed early from school.
- FEELING STUCK? Pop Up College Application Support (In Person) - Room 303
Monday, November 22nd 3:40-4:15 (Intended Audience - Seniors)
December and January Deadlines? Make sure you know what you need to do. Learn about building a list of 6-8 colleges, Target/Reach/Likely-
Foundational-Safety schools, Naviance and Common Application. Get smart about the process. Sign Up LINK